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Hex head Timber Tek (T-17) screw 12g -11 - 65mm with seal
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12-11x65 Self Drilling Type 17 Screw C/S CLOUD + Seal SCSDTG121165S-CLOUD 1000
12-11x65 Self Drilling Type 17 Screw C/S DENIM BLUE + Sl SSCSDTG121165S-DENIMBLUE 1000
12-11x65 Self Drilling Type 17 Screw C/S DESERT SAND + Sl SCSDTG121165S-DESERTSAND 1000
12-11x65 Self Drilling Type 17 Screw C/S EBONY + Seal SCSDTG121165S-EBONY 1000
12-11x65 Self Drilling Type 17 Screw C/S FLAXPOD + Seal SCSDTG121165S-FLAXPOD 1000
12-11x65 Self Drilling Type 17 Screw C/S GREY FLANNEL + Seal SCSDTG121165S-GREYFLANNEL 1000
12-11x65 Self Drilling Type 17 Screw C/S GREYFRIARS + Seal SCSDTG121165S-GREYFRIARS 1000
12-11x65 Self Drilling Type 17 Screw C/S GULL GREY + Seal SCSDTG121165S-GULLGREY 1000
12-11x65 Self Drilling Type 17 Screw C/S IRONSAND + Seal SCSDTG121165S-IRONSAND 1000
12-11x65 Self Drill Type 17 Screw C/S KARAKA + Seal SCSDTG121165S-KARAKA 1000
12-11x65 Self Drill Type 17 Screw C/S LICHEN + Seal SCSDTG121165S-LICHEN 1000
12-11x65 Self Drill Type 17 Screw C/S LIGNITE + Seal SCSDTG121165S-LIGNITE 1000
12-11x65 Self Drill Type 17 Screw C/S MIRAGE + Seal SCSDTG121165S-MIRAGE 1000
12-11x65 Self Drilling Type 17 Screw C/S MIST GREEN + Seal SCSDTG121165S-MISTGREEN 1000
12-11x65 Self Drilling Type 17 Screw C/S NEW DENIM BLUE + Sl SCSDTG121165S-NEWDENIMBLUE 1000
12-11x65 Self Drilling Type 17 Screw C/S PERM GREEN + Seal SCSDTG121165S-PERMGREEN 1000
12-11x65 Self Drilling Type 17 Screw C/S PIONEER RED + Seal SCSDTG121165S-PIONEERRED 1000
12-11x65 Self Drill Type 17 Screw C/S RIVERGUM + Seal SCSDTG121165S-RIVERGUM 1000
12-11x65 Self Drill Type 17 Screw C/S SANDSTONE GREY + Seal SCSDTG121165S-SANDSTONE 1000
12-11x65 Self Drill Type 17 Screw C/S SCORIA + Seal SCSDTG121165S-SCORIA 1000
12-11x65 Self Drill Type 17 Screw C/S SLATE + Seal SCSDTG121165S-SLATE 1000
12-11x65 Self Drill Type 17 Screw C/S SMOOTH CREAM + Seal SCSDTG121165S-SMOOTHCREAM 1000
12-11x65 Self Drilling Type 17 Screw C/S THUNDER GREY + Sl SCSDTG121165S-THUNDERGREY 1000
12-11x65 Self Drilling Type 17 Screw C/S TIGER GREEN + Seal SCSDTG121165S-TIGERGREEN 1000
12-11x65 Self Drill Type 17 Screw C/S TITANIA + Seal SCSDTG121165S-TITANIA 1000
12-11x65 Self Drilling Type 17 Screw C/S WINDSOR GREY + Sl SCSDTG121165S-WINDSORGREY 1000

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